Friday, July 25, 2014


I feel sad. Recently an fb friend made fun of an older person who happened to be shopping at Walmart. She took her picture and proceeded to write a post that made fun of how she looked, and dressed.

I replied to this post of hers and said I don't understand why you are criticizing her... why do you need to put her down? To feel superior?!

So in the past couple of days she and her husband have tried to blur words claiming "I'm offended by her post" when in fact I told them "No, not offended. APPALLED"!

Since when is appalled=offended? I was of the belief that when a "friend" posted something at fb one can reply, even if it's in disagreement to their post... maybe I'm wrong.

Doesn't "Free Speech" apply to Facebook, even when politely put?! Needless to say we're not friends anymore.  And maybe never were...

These 2 people are in my movie and in real life pretty much have everything. Maybe that's the problem. They're spoiled? 

Honesty can hurt.  You don't always hear what you want to hear when people are honest. So people really don't like honesty even if they say they do. What they do like, if they like anything, is the debate of what you are saying.

But be very careful during that debate because illiteracy can run rampant.

People can and will use their personal thesarus/dictionary to blur words thereby blurring the lines of what you are saying in order to spin your meaning, and therefore your intentions, into something else.

Something not intended by you.  Have a good week.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Captain America & Robert Redford: Critics Need To Get-A-Life

I went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier last night. Excellent movie, as good as all the Transformers movies, Terminator series, Star Trek, the list is endless.

So why then are some of the critics so unhappy, or displeased that Robert Redford is in this wonderful movie?! I say it's as simple as personal preferences. However on a different extreme of the Hollywood movie star spectrum one might speculate that the critiquing powers that be want to destroy a movie star's golden career because he chose to step outside his creative box.

Robert Redford played a role that suits his acting nature in a movie creatively distant from his comfort zone. That's a good thing, my opinion. It tells me he wants to grow, expand his horizons, and continue trying new experiences instead of stagnating.

The sculptor Michelangelo once said when he was in his 70's or 80's that he was just beginning to become the artist he wanted to be. Next time you make a choice whether it's dinner, a date out, or a movie. Are you going to listen to a critic or to yourself? Are you going to do "the same 'ole, same 'ole..." or be adventurous?

Everytime I've listend to my gut I've never gone wrong. Kudos Robert Record for being adventurous and still young at heart. You played an evil business man great!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Movin' On!

Left Walmart last week, got a job at Days Inn Osceola. Better now for I won't have to lift 30, 40, 50, 60 lb. bags or boxes on a daily basis. Will miss my friends there though 'cuz I won't be able to see them as much.

It is strange that corporate America expects us all to be able to work like 20 something's like speed or climbing a ladder, for example. Heck I know 20 something's at Walmart who have trouble lifting, or moving fast enough for Walmart. It's not always an "Age" thing.

Sometimes it just boils down to greed and unrealistic expectations.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2013 Sundance Film Festival: Filmming & Curve Balls

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So I’ve had a number of people contact me and asked me, “Did you submit to the Sundance Film Festival this year?”
I am telling everyone the same thing, “No”.  I have a film to make, “Lost Angels[The Discovery]“.  I have been deeply absorbed in post production with special effects and animation scenes for the movie.  As well as filming  with my Iowa cast both in the field, as well as with green screens which I designed this summer.  I am but one person and  I am genuinely trying hard to do at least a good job of each and every task that I must learn to do, in order to do the film justice.
My biggest challenge has been the script.  I do not pretend to have numerous talents.  However I have learned that when I put myself to the task sooner or later I manage to learn enough to do the task right.  I may not be the best, or the brightest.  But I am dedicated, committed, and driven to do the task right.  So that obviously includes scriptwriting.  After all you cannot have a movie without a script, right?
I had thought that I had had a director on board with my project, and a member if the DGA.  A woman who has been very supportive and in times past a friend, at least so I had thought.    But even though we all know there are types of friends I had thought I had a true friend in her after nearly 4 years of communications and networking with her.  But she wanted to know about meetings that I had made, and people I was hoping>planning to see.  Ultimately I had to cancel my trip and reschedule it due to a sudden family emergency which I quickly resolved.  I wish my friend the best in all of her endeavors.
I stayed with an old friend I made in 2005 (when I was last there on business, interpreting and facilitating business with the Chinese who were there signing a trade agreement with the United States).  She was kind enough to allow me to stay with her last minute and since I had to modify my travel plans for this trip my mode of transportation wasn’t a “preferred” mode of transportation, but all’s well that ends well.
I have several scenes to finish for “Lost Angels” and wrapped one of them this month, I call it “The baby” scene.   I began shooting the next scene two weeks ago, I call it “The hunt” scene and just love getting back to all of it.  Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we either give up, or figure out how to move forward.  I am moving ever forward and love the journey.
I don’t know if  life is truly what we make it.  Sometimes I wonder as like most of you  I’m not rich, if anything I’m “fairly” poor, as America goes.  And I am aware that there are many worse off than me.  But the reality is that my passion is to do justice by Steve and Mark.  They believed in me through all of my hard times with cancer, and my ever trying daughters.  They helped me to rebuild my life.  Okay I’m 58 and Hollywood doesn’t really care about anyone over the age of what 25, maybe?…  But I’m going to make this movie the right way and maybe, just maybe in the process earn a little respect, it is my hope anyway.  I know I’m not Steven Spielberg, or Ron Howard, or Jerry Bruckheimer.  I’m just me, Renn Reed.
But if I can catch someone’s eye and get taken seriously after all, well then it’s still worth a shot.  I will get the script right.  It may be taking longer than people would prefer but when it IS finally done, it will be right.  So I apologize if there are those that feel I have let them down by not submitting to SFF 2013.  I have a movie to make.  Let’s keep our eye’s on that ball, focused, and hope there are no more curves!
Once upon a time I dreamed a dream that old friends could become new again. That the opportunities that come with being young can still happen if one commits to learning what it takes, perseveres to achieve the highest qualities required to make it, and stays focused on the goal chosen. Some have said I’m too much like a child with my ideals, passions, and hopes. Some have clarified this as meaning “Renn you have not grown up and you’re 58″. I say “SO!…” am I suppose to lose my dreams because life got in the way? Because I had cancer, our best friend and original primary owner of our business, died? Am I to give up because I still dream and hope for the best or as some say, still look at the glass half full?
All those who make these efforts to dissuade me from pursuing my dreams, my passions, my goals of sharing the stories and the beauty I see may tell a truth of “a type” but I choose to adhere to energies that keep me focused in a positive way and help me to deal with the many sad digressions life throws our way. I have contacted a couple of my oldest and dearest friends in recent years to chat and get caught up on everything in their lives, my life, has thrown our ways. In the end there was one friend who said to me, “I’ve made a movie and I live in Utah. It didn’t go anywhere so I don’t want to hear about your movie and what you are doing”. Okay, I said to her. Then she said she was jealous of me, and my relationship with my husband (who by the way is my sweety and best-est friend). So ultimately I had to tell her it was nice chatting with her during that 1 1/2 years but I don’t think this is going anywhere positive so take care of yourself, and good-bye.
So I then located another of the four friends in my life that I had thought were true friends and chatted for nine-ten months with her. She had agreed to let me visit after I returned from LA this August. Oh but she told me as I was about to make the reservations, that she didn’t have the time. Now I had not seen her since the 1970′s so this pretty much well, it shocked me. But then what really got me was she told me she was jealous of me. Now that just didn’t make any sense. Two women both about my age telling me they are jealous of me, but so jealous they really were bending over backwards to make some type of excuse that meant they really didn’t want to re-connect, even from a “reunion” perspective so-to-speak. Wow why wouldn’t I be shocked, these two friends and I had done so much together, one during high school and college, and the other during college. I cried because I was so stupid that I didn’t realize there really wasn’t a friendship there at all!
I am trying to learn not to want friends. This is very hard as we all want acceptance. I have a friend at Sundance, well I don’t think we’ll re-connect if for no other reason than because he is sooooo verrrrry busy! I understand that, I definitely get it. We all are in our own ways, it’s all relative. I miss the friends I thought I had.  But I will always love these people I’ve learned so much from, and spent so much time with that I thought was very fun and meaningful.  I’m just sorry that instead of applauding my becoming cancer free and getting my life back together (…and I’ve lost another 25 lbs) YEAH!… they want nothing to do with me. So I have to re-think this entire concept I’ve had of what a true friendship is. Or maybe not,  Maybe like the song says (PINKS’ song) …something about ” …don’t over-think it”, whatever! My true friends they clearly are not but I will always, always love and cherish all of you even if you don’t feel the same for me. God bless and take good care of yourselves!
Always your friend,
PS I love you guys for your comments and interest in my posts and I will try harder to blog more… thanks for everything, you make my day!
First I want to thank absolutely everyone for following me and my comments, and all of your supportive and positive posts.  All of your in-put is very appreciated.  I originally started this blog because I needed a way to express myself as positively as possible given that I have begun to learn that “aging” or “getting older” is a huge road block no matter the profession one chooses.  I have heard of age discrimination but in my heart of hearts felt that it was probably rooted in “people in general” who weren’t able to relate to new technologies, or to young people and their interests, or lifestyles.
Although I am 58 I have never fallen into these categories so I was truly stunned when I became part of that when my work if nothing else says I am young at heart and yet still able to understand people my age or older.  I guess I never grew up at least in my heart I have always believed one can achieve their dreams.  No one said it would be easy but I believe it can happen whether you are young(er) or old(er).
It isn’t easy, and sometimes not even fun, it is hard.  But my love, passion, skills and talents push me onward with the hope that someone somewhere will meet me part way and help me network with them to move forward.  My movie “Lost Angels[The Discovery]” which I am currently editing is a project that no matter what must be made in honor of our best friend Steve, and also my husband Mark, who helped me  to become cancer free.   Steve passed about 1 1/2 years after I became cancer free and his dream was to make good stories into great films.  So although this almost seems absurd to some, I must complete at least this project in his honor.  At my website:
There are other projects I do hope and have every intention of completing.  It’s just that this one must be first.
I greatly appreciate all of you posting your positive comments.  Please continue and pass the word about my blog.  It never hurts to have all of your “good vibes” helping us on our journey.  My best to you all!  RR

I am trying very hard to make a film worthy of anyone seriously pursuing filmmaking.  The difference is that my husband and I are doing it all by ourselves, pretty much.  Our best friend Steve passed away 11 years ago now, suddenly of cancer.  We learned about it 3 weeks before his passing.  He wanted very much to make films, he loved good stories, and so we decided to pursue filmmaking in his honor and his memory.
We all know these things take time, hard work, consistent dedication, talent, and so many other important and useful qualities.  I in know way pretend to have them all, or know it all.  I simply push forward hoping some in this industry of filmmaking will take me seriously, meaning my work.
Steve and my husband helped me become cancer free after 12 years, 1987-1999.  Steve passed on Jon Bon Jovi’s birthday March 2, 2001.  Some have said to me why do you dwell on the past?!?  I don’t.  I use my history to push me forward, to remember all of those who have been positive influences in my life.  And for all who are of the opinion that I whine and complain, you try surviving 12 years of cancer, or 7 years of cancer, like Steve Jobs did.  Then if you are one of the “lucky ones” to survive, what they don’t tell you is what you will go through to re-build your life.
I am grateful for all that I have been blessed with, my creative journey has kept me both sane and full of hope that there must be some in this wonderful industry of filmmaking that do not discriminate simply because I am a “50 something”.  All that I am trying to do with my life is have a life.  A life that I was blessed to have thanks to a higher power most of us call God, and two wonderful and dear friends, Mark being my sweet husband.
I have lost my third computer since 2008 to hackers, I will get another at some point when my budget allows.  But in the meantime I am working on my shooting schedule here in Iowa, sketching my storyboard for “Lost Angels”.  In addition, I am working out the kinks in my lyrics for both my movie soundtrack, as well as my commercial CD that will be genre specific.
Life is not easy for any of us.  This economy we are all in makes dreams that much harder to pursue, and achieve.  Thank you all for your interest and support because we can all use a community of people that like and care about what we do.


We are so honored & excited to recently receive word from @SFF SUNDANCE Film Festival, that our 2 films, “The Passion, The People, The Party” & “The Art of Patience: A Visual Journey Behind The Arts of China”, are “IN CONSIDERATION” for the 2012 @SFF!

Mr. Robert Redford & @SFF Team, I so appreciate all for the honor & hope of “The Dream” fulfilled!

Still At It!

We, Renn Reed and Mark L. Barth, are genuinely honored that the following have taken the time to write to me to express the following encouraging remarks. The Sundance Institute’s Producer in Residence Feature Film Program Anne Lai has been kind enough to share with us that they, Sundance, have not only “…become fans of our project, “LOST ANGELS[The Discovery]…[Dececmber 21, 2009]“, but that they, Sundance, feel it has “tremendous merit and potential…[October 27, 2010]” and that it made for even a tougher selection process this year”.  We knew going in and applying for the Sloan Commissioning Grant of $25,000 that we probably wouldn’t make the cut being that our feature-length film is an action, thriller, drama, not a documentary.

And when we applied for the 2011 Sundance Film Festival we were fairly certain we wouldn’t make the cut there either, and we didn’t, despite the current Sundance mantra that they are having a “revolution”.  Fact is we just weren’t, aren’t, good enough. When John Cooper wrote me [Friday December 3, 2010] on behalf of the Sundance Programming team to “…thank (me)”, and to “not to be discouraged by this decision”, going on to say that “…we had far more worthy films than we had room for in the program”, I took heart in this.
For some odd reason I have been told by some involved in the film industry that I am “…an embarrassment to myself “.   Why?  Because I choose to make films as a fifty something.  But like Justin Bieber says, “Never Say Never”.  So I remind myself of requests from Malpaso Productions asked for our script in December 2008.  I was so excited I sounded like a 2 year old at Christmas.  Then in February 2009 Bruce and David Willis’ former company Willis Brothers Films asked for our script, I was equally as excited.   Just as I was honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to work and learn from all that I saw on set, when I was selected for the extra work in National Treasure Book of Secrets in May 2007 shot at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.
I am grateful for all of our sponsors, they are truly our heroes, and we only have our words to thank them for all of their support through these last ten years.  Whether it was a one time donation, a discounted product, or donations outright, and of course all of those on-going donations, we can only show our appreciation through our efforts to keep trying and pushing forward always keeping in mind the importance to improve our understanding of their products, honing our talents, and hoping one day to succeed in achieving our goals.
For Example, Sony Creative Software has made it possible for me to explore my musical talents.  The couple of measures one hears at our website, is the very first song I ever wrote.   I realize I have a long way to go in refining my musical talents and skills, but I actually wrote this myself on our keyboard, then took it into our Sony products and engineered it to what you hear on our website.  The entire piece can be downloaded for free at my website, where one can also hear a song I engineered titled “Shut-UP!” written for the action sequences for our movie.

But of all the many hats I wear at Liquid Ice Entertainment the one that has been the greatest challenge has been scriptwriting.  Our original script, “LOST ANGELS[The Discovery]“, is currently with one of the top script consultants in the business.  I am so grateful and honored that this person is helping me, again saying thank you just isn’t enough.   I am a very detail-oriented person and having shot, directed, and produced over 50% of “LOST ANGELS[The Discovery]” for my “back-up plan”.  I have been learning that scriptwriting and scriptwriters in general, do not receive enough appreciation.
I realize as a novice scriptwriter that I have literally tons to learn.  But I know we have a good story or all of those stated above would not have asked for our original script.  But the art of scriptwriting is a challenge unlike any other I have ever known, be it editing, compositing, marketing, directing, etc.  It is an art form that challenges me to my very core.  So when I read that many movies have gone through numerous revisions some upwards of over 20, 30, 40 revisions, I take heart in my efforts to learn how to write a script the “right” way.  I believe it is something I can learn to do well, and the “right” way.  So when I am seriously disheartened as I am today by “IT” all.  I look at the different emails that Sundance and others, have written to me, and focus on remembering the wonderful compliments that professional people have given me.  I keep moving forward through the heartache of losing MY only desktop computer to hackers trying to get the script, even if I am “embarrassing myself”.
Because afterall what else do I have?  I am 57 years old and going on eight years of being unemployed.  We, Mark and I, have many good ideas for theatrical films some of which are illustrated on our website.  But even if am never able to produce these other projects, I will at least have honestly tried to make a go of it. For I must continue trying, if for no other reason, than to show our beloved best friend Steven J. Campbell, who suddenly fell ill and died March 2, 2001 from cancer of the sternum.  That he, Steve, coupled with my beloved husband Mark, did NOT waste his time and efforts to help my heal AND survive cancer of the cervix, twice back to back, just about one and a half years before he, Steve, fell ill and passed away.

Steve never gave up on me.  When I had cancer I got up to 400 pounds from the medicine and being too weak to do much of anything.   Steve never stopped dreaming that he, Mark, and I could make movies.  “Okay”, he would say, “we’re older, but we can do it.  It doesn’t matter that we’re nobodies, or poor, ofr that we have a lot to learn, we can do this…  we can find a way to make our dreams come true”. Well the tenth anniversary of burying our beloved friend and colleague arrives in two days March 2nd, and I have nothing to show him as he watches  us, rooting for us, from up there somewhere above.
AND although I have lost my only desktop computer to hackers trying to get our script; AND although recently our script was at another major house in Los Angeles where they told us they liked the script but it needs some more work; AND even though the financier with whom I had thought I’d been building a good, strong, business rapport with and who had referred me to this third house;  I have to and must find a way to move forward and I suppose create another back-up plan for my back-up plan.
Because somehow I am going to make this movie, “LOST ANGELS[The Discovery]” and make it the “right” way, which for me means this includes Bruce Willis as the male lead star.  So what that I dream large, I say shoot for the stars, maybe I’ll catch the moon. There are more stupid things I could be doing with my time like gossiping and ridiculing people because they dream large, as the handful of people have chosen to do about me.
Either way at least I am trying to do something constructive and meaningful with my time, talents, energy, etc.  I am working hard to make sure all of you naysayer’s don’t get to me or bring me so far down I give up on myself and my dreams.  When I go to bed at night I can at least tell myself the truth, I do keep trying, and trying to do it well.
Godspeed to you all.
Renn Reed, President
Liquid Ice Entertainment

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Sundance Institute

The Sundance Institute>Producer In Residence Anne Lai-Feature film Program wrote ... We were fans of your project... Lost Angels[The Movie].